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Mainstreaming Energy Efficiency Measures in Thai Municipalities (MEET) (2008 -2012)

The Mainstreaming Energy Efficiency Measures in Thai Municipalities (MEET) Project is designed to improve Thailand’s energy security and decrease the rate of greenhouse gas emissions by promoting energy efficiency (EE) initiatives in Thai municipalities. A key outcome of the MEET project will be the strengthened capacity of PEA and municipalities to identify, design, finance, and implement EE measures.

DSM Program Evaluation - Thailand (1999)

The objective of this project is to conduct a process and impact evaluation of Thailand’s six-year, US$190 million demand-side management program which is the first comprehensive program implemented in Asia. The extent of the evaluation program involves determining customer attitudes and the satisfaction of manufacturers and distributors of air conditioner, refrigerator, compact fluorescent lamps, and thin tube fluorescent lamps.

Energy Efficiency Business Network and Association – Thailand

IIEC worked with more than 20 local energy efficiency companies in Thailand to support the founding of the Energy Efficiency Development Association. This energy association aims to stimulate the utilization of the US$500 million Energy Conservation Promotion Fund of Thailand in various feasible energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. The association also aims to facilitate an effective enforcement of the Energy Conservation Promotions Act of 1992.

ESCO Market Assessment – Thailand

This project, funded by GTZ for the Department of Energy Promotion and Development (DEDP), estimated the potential market size for energy services companies (ESCOs) in large commercial and industrial facilities and identified the barriers to energy efficiency financing. The study projected a five-to-seven-year achievable potential of 18 – 30 million GJ of electricity savings and CO2 mitigation of 2.1 – 5.7 million tones which would require US $ 234 – 698 million in investments. The study also recommended increasing lending in energy efficiency investments, improvements on the existing programs, promotion of the ESCO business model and establishment of energy efficiency revolving fund.