Study on Developing “Vision 2030: Ozone and Climate Friendly Transition for Buildings for Asia”

The Compliance Assistance Program (CAP) of UNEP’s Regional Office in Asia and the Pacific has awarded IIEC a project to develop a comprehensive document on “Vision 2030: Ozone and Climate Friendly Transition for Buildings for Asia”. The objective of the project is to prepare a strategic vision document for Ozone- and Climate-Friendly transition in the Building sector across the Asia-Pacific region. About 88% of hydro chlorofluorocarbon (HCFC) consumption in Article 5 countries takes place in the refrigeration and air-conditioning sectors.

Hence phasing out HCFC from buildings will have a significant impact on mitigating ozone depletion. The 2030 target for completely phasing out HCFCs will require that climate- and ozone- friendly alternatives be set in place throughout developing nations. Policies promoting energy efficiency in buildings and equipment will therefore have a far-reaching impact on phase-out methods. Additional objectives of the project include; building a resource pool that can act as a quick reference tool for policy makers and other key stakeholder, as well as drafting recommendations for maximizing ozone and climate benefits of HCFC phase-out in buildings for the region. A central database on the use of HFCs and HCFCs for the entire region will be created with details on the five selected countries – India, China, Thailand, Philippines and Fiji Islands.

For further information, please contact Sanjay Dube - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.