Energy Efficient Lighting Market Transformation in Pakistan

IIEC has partnered with the United for Efficiency (U4E), a global effort under the leadership of UN Environment to support developing countries and emerging economies to move their markets to energy-efficient appliances and equipment, to implement the 3-year GEF funded project, entitled “Delivering the Transition to Energy Efficient Lighting in Residential, Commercial, Industrial and Outdoor Sectors in Pakistan”.

Under this partnership, IIEC provides expertise and technical assistance to support the development of the National Efficient Lighting Strategy, design of a revolving loan fund (RLF) for the financing of energy efficient lighting products, and implementation of pilot demonstration projects on LED lighting.  The IIEC experts completed a mission to Islamabad and Karachi from April 28th to May 7th, 2019 to discuss with the National Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (NEECA), the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) and local financial institutions, national consultants, and potential demonstration project hosts. Preparation of the National Efficient Lighting Strategy and design of the revolving loan fund will be completed by the third quarter of 2019.

IIEC and NEECA visited the Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad (Left) and
Meeting with the State Bank of Pakistan and Local Financial Institutions

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