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Electrifying Mobility in Cities: Investing in the Transformation to Electric Mobility in India” and “Integrated, Sustainability, and Low Emission Transport in Maldives” (2019 - 2020)

The GEF Council approved UNEP-IEA Lead Electric Vehicle along with 16 country projects. The assignment is to develop the GEF CEO Endorsement document (GCED) and related annexes proposal for India and Maldives based on the approved child project concept for the two countries. This includes the GEF CEO Endorsement request document as well as all UN Environment annexes and appendices for the GEF 7 cycle project.

Promoting Municipal Energy Efficiency Initiatives in Southern Africa

IIEC-Africa collaborated with cities in the SADC region to bring the benefits of energy efficiency to urban management. The benefits of these opportunities extended far beyond the prize of energy efficiency and included the following: improved urban service management, reduced localized air pollution, improved quality of basic urban services, and cost savings that translated into more extensive services. All these outcomes directly impacted the urban poor in Southern Africa.