Financial Capacity Building Package for the Industrial Energy Efficiency Project in Philippines (2015 - 2016)

The final goal of the Industrial Energy Efficiency (IEE) Programme is to effect sustained energy management and efficiency practices in the industry of developing countries and emerging economies in order to reduce the environmental pressure of economic growth while increasing productivity, helping to generate economic growth, create jobs and alleviates poverty. The IEE project aimed to increase the availability of financial capacity and support for industrial energy efficiency projects.

IIEC was tasked to 1) Harmonize energy efficiency project evaluation criteria; 2) Train Needs Assessment (TNA); 3) Develop training materials including presentations, guidelines, e-learning program (for key concepts and examples), and a student manual; 4) Train managers and engineers from industry and financial institutions on the financial aspects of energy efficiency projects; and 5) Support for loan packaging (risk assessment, technical, financial and legal concerns). Funding Agency/Client: UNIDO.

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