Copper Energy Efficiency Program (CEEP)

CEEP was a 3-year project to improve the efficiency of energy use in India and China by increasing the market availability and affordability of energy-efficient copper-intensive technologies.  Its four interrelated objectives were:

  • To transfer technology and foster indigenous production of at least one copper-intensive, energy-efficient product in India and China.
  • To increase the use of this product through training of project developers, financial institutions, and end-users.
  • To foster demand by establishing low-interest financing mechanisms and promoting use.
  • To disseminate the lessons learned from the work in India and China to other developing countries in Asia, Latin America, Africa, and Central and Eastern Europe.

IIEC completed comprehensive market assessments of the potential of various copper-intensive energy-efficient technologies including motor, transformer and ballast. It also identified energy-efficient motor and transformer as the target technologies for the Chinese and Indian markets, respectively. At the end of the three-year project, IIEC organized 4 regional workshops in Asia, Africa, Europe and South America and the full proceedings of the 4 workshops were made available in CD-ROM. A sample of the CD-ROM proceedings is shown below.

Funding Agency/Client: Common Fund Commodities (CFC), International Copper Study Group (ICSG) & International Copper Association, Ltd. (ICA)

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