Study on Sustainable Energy Production in Vietnam

IIEC is set to conduct a study on the market opportunities for financial institutions and service providers in the promotion of investments in sustainable production in the steel and chemical fertilizer industries in Vietnam.

The study will be conducted under the project titled “Strengthening Capacity on Climate Change Initiatives in the Industry and Trade Sectors”(CCIT). The project is being implemented by the Government of Vietnam through the Ministry of Industry and Trade with funding from the UN One Plan Fund, the European Union/UNDP Low Emission Capacity Building programme and UNDP TRAC budget.

CCIT aims to remove barriers to the Vietnam industrial sector in the adoption of resource efficient processes and trade practices that will result to either GHG emission reduction, resilience to climate change, improvement in productivity and/or increase industry competiveness in both the national and international markets. For the market opportunity study, IIEC is tasked to review initiatives in sustainable industrial production in steel and chemical fertilizer sectors; identify market opportunities for industrial efficiency from the perspective of financial institutions and service providers; assess the policy and capacity building needs; develop financing solutions and identify pilot projects for the steel industry sector and chemical fertilizer sector.

For further information, please contact Angelica Dealino - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.