Energy Productivity Roadmap for India

With the support of the Bureau of Energy Efficiency, India (BEE) and MacArthur Foundation; IIEC-India and the Alliance to Save Energy have embarked upon a first-time activity for India - developing an Energy Productivity Roadmap for India.

Energy productivity is the amount of economic output (i.e., gross domestic product) per unit of energy input and is a positive measure of a country's economic, energy, and environmental performance. The project is being carried out in partnership and guidance with stakeholders in the Indian government and private sector from organizations such as EESL, BEE, Niti Aayog, UNDP and Dalmia Cement and will establish a national level plan for improving India’s energy productivity. Such a plan will drive development and prosperity in India, while limiting emissions growth by establishing a set of hypothetical scenarios for demonstrating the relationship between productive economic growth and energy consumption. The plan will also include a set of recommendations for public and private sectors leaders to incorporate energy productivity into their processes.

For more information, please contact iiecindia@org.