IIEC Recent News
Enhanced Demand Side Management Capacity in the Philippines

The Energy Transition Partnership (ETP) in collaboration with the International Institute for Energy Conservation (IIEC) successfully organized a 2-day training program, entitled “Demand Side Management (DSM) - Principles and Fundamentals”, on April 11th – 12th, 2024 at F1 Hotel Manila, Philippines. This training program marked the first of a series of DSM training and capacity building activities supported by ETP.
The DSM Principles and Fundamentals training was designed to enhance knowledge of policy makers and regulators on the planning and implementation process of DSM. It was attended by representatives from the Energy Utilization Management Bureau (EUMB), Electric Power Industry Management Bureau (EPIMB), Renewable Energy Management Bureau (REMB), Energy Regulatory Commission, and National Electrification Administration (NEA).
Patrick T. Aquino, CESO III – Director IV, Department of Energy (DOE) Delivering Opening Remarks via Zoom Conference on Day 1 (left), Yoshiko De Villa, Country Coordinator – Philippines of the Energy Transition Partnership (ETP) Delivering Opening Remarks at the Training workshop on Day 1 (right)
Mr. Sommai Phon-Amnuaisuk, Project Team Leader and Director of the International Institute for Energy Conservation (IIEC) Gave a Presentation on the Session Titled 'DSM Planning and Analysis Framework' on Day 1 (left) and the Session on 'DSM Program Monitoring & Evaluation' on Day 2 (right)
Mr. Carlo R. V. Borlaza, Energy Sector Expert of IIEC, given a Presentation on the Introduction to DSM on Day 1 (left), Mr. Arturo M. Zabala, Energy Efficiency Specialist of IIEC, Provided a Wrap-up During the Session 'DSM Program Design and Implementation' on Day 2 (right)