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Creating and Sustaining Markets for Energy Efficiency (2018 - ongoing)

In India since 2017, The Global Environment Facility (GEF) is supporting Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL), for the project ‘Creating and Sustaining Markets for Energy Efficiency’ under its GEF-6 cycle. Under this project, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) & Asian Development Bank (ADB) are the implementing agencies and EESL is the executing agency. The objective of this GEF project is to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through energy efficiency by scaling up existing and new technology applications. The project was started in 2018, comprising of three components viz,

Component 1 (Concluded in 2022): Expanding and Sustaining investments in existing market sectors: Supports certain portion of EESL’s existing targets for installation of energy efficient Street Lights, Domestic Lights, 5-star Ceiling Fans & Agricultural pumps.

Component 2 (Ongoing): Building Market Diversification: Development & implementation of new business models through installation of new technologies such as super-efficient ACs, tri-generation technologies, energy efficient motors, waste heat recovery systems, BLDC fans, Chillers, district cooling system, etc.

Component 3 (Ongoing): Replication & Scaling Up: Developing a long-term growth strategy based on collected lessons, experiences etc. from the above-mentioned components and achieving a target of a USD 300 million investments across all technology areas through innovative ways of financing like an Energy Efficiency Revolving Fund (EERF).

Since the start of 2024. The International Institute for Energy Conservation (IIEC) was engaged as the ‘Technical Executing Agency’ to support EESL in carrying out the project activities under the UNEP managed component of the project. As the activities under Component 1 have been completed, therefore currently the focus is on activities under Components 2 & 3.

Funding Agency: Global Environment Facility (GEF)
Implementing Agency: United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Executing Agency: Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL)
Co-executing Agency: International Institute for Energy Conservation (IIEC)

Related Articles: IIEC Bids & RFPs under this project

South – South Knowledge Exchange Program in Energy Efficiency in India

Project Name:   

South – South Knowledge Exchange Program in Energy Efficiency in India

Project Year:       

April 2018

Project Location: 


Project Description:

The International Institute for Energy Conservation-India (IIEC-India) had been commissioned as a lead organizer and technical consultant by the World Bank Group and EESL to deliver the South-South Knowledge Exchange Program in Energy Efficiency, a five-day knowledge exchange program in New Delhi, India. The program was designed as a collaborative platform to provide opportunities to South Asia Region (SAR) countries for knowledge exchange and learning in order to enhance their capacity to deliver energy efficiency (EE) and Demand Side Management (DSM) programs in their respective countries. The program was funded by the World Bank and organized by Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL), India in collaboration with Korea Energy Agency (KEA) and the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), India with support from the Korea-World Bank Partnership Facility (KWPF).

Project Activities:

  • Design of Knowledge Exchange Program.
  • Selection of Participants & Final Visit Program.
  • Completion of the Logistics arrangements for travel, lodging and boarding of participants from South Asian countries and from South Korea.
  • Conducting Knowledge Exchange Visit Program.
  • Exchange Visit final Report.


Funding Source Partners Involved Themes Covered Under Project

[The World Bank]

[Korea - World Bank Partnership Facility (KWPF)]


[Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) ]

[Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL)]

[Korea Energy Agency (KEA)]

Energy Efficiency

Renewable Energy

Demand Side Management

For more Information, contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Design of Detailed Project Reports for Manipur and Jharkhand for implementation of RE & EE Pilots (2015)

UNDP and the Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change, India were assisting the states of Manipur and Jharkhand in the design of four pilot projects to undertake mitigation and adaptation activities in line with their “State Action Plan on Climate Change” or SAPCC. IIEC was engaged by UNDP for the preparation of detailed project proposals geared towards the implementation of priority strategies identified in the SAPCC.

Energy Performance Improvement and Energy Access - Program Design and Implementation Program Design and Implementation

Project Name:   

Energy Performance Improvement and Energy Access   

Program Design and Implementation

Project Year:       

December 2019 – Ongoing

Project Location: 

Haryana, India

Project Description:

IIEC-India has planned and implementing an Energy Performance Improvement and Clean Energy Access Program for APTIV in the rural areas around the manufacturing Plant in and around Dharuhera-Haryana, India under their CSR commitments. IIEC-India team has developed a criterion to select the villages and sites of school buildings where access to clean energy can be improved by providing clean means of energy “Solar Lighting System”. Through this program will help to build the strength of the un-electrified or poorly electrified school buildings to provide access to electricity as enabler for IT and Digital Education. The Program also serve as a pilot for demonstrating and providing improved learning facilities to children in schools in line with the PM Modi’s “Digital India” campaign includes plans to connect rural areas with internet networks to improve universal digital literacy. The program will ensure that any requirement of repair and maintenance or replacement of solar lighting systems be provided to the school. This approach will help in bringing out the feeling of ownership in the school staff and students for managing the provided resources.

Project Activities:

  • Design and implement the Energy Access Program for schools in 5-6 villages in and around Dharuhera-Haryana, India.
  • Selection of schools for implementation of the project.
  • Profiling of the school to facilitate the effective design and implementation of the project.
  • Profiling and selection of Solar Lighting Solution provider.
  • Implementation of the project with support from solar lighting solution providers and APTIV Sustainability Team.
  • Provide training and build the capacity of the selected school staff and students for the care and maintenance of the solar lighting systems.
  • Preparation of case study and documentary for sharing and reporting.

Funding Source

Partners Involved


Themes Covered Under Project

 Energy Efficiency

 Renewable Energy

 Capacity Building


For more information, contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Energy Efficient Street Lighting – Implementation and Financing Solutions (2014 - 2015)

The objective of the project was to develop a manual focusing on implementation models and financing solutions for scaling up large energy-efficient street lighting programs in cities and municipalities in India. Under the project, IIEC assisted in the planning, execution, and documentation of the Global Conference on EE Street Lighting held in New Delhi in May 2014. The project team worked in close collaboration with the Energy Efficiency Services Ltd (EESL) and key Urban Local Bodies. Working with EESL, IIEC also organized and conducted a study tour in South Korea and Thailand for key Urban Local Bodies to showcase energy efficient street lighting activities in these countries. The trip provided an opportunity for direct information exchange between the municipal heads from India and their counterparts in South Korea and Thailand.